How My Vote Makes an Impact | Teen Ink

How My Vote Makes an Impact

October 28, 2019
By 0courtney SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
0courtney SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My parents hurried to the town hall to find a parking spot. They rush to take the spot of a car that just pulled out of a spot and we pulled in. My parents headed towards the line of voters. My parents have the chance to change the outcome of a vote, thousands of citizens crowding the town hall trying to get their vote in, trying to choose their favorite candidate and sway the vote in their direction. Around an hour of us impatiently waiting on our phones, my parents opened the town hall door and made their way back to the minivan, where the four minute drive home awaited us. 

Candidates dream to be chosen to win for their positions, the hundreds of signs we see during the drive to the booths of the strangers favorite candidates. The thousands of phone calls sent out to my community to vote for this or that candidate. Commercials promote candidates when my parents are watching their favorite television channel. Conversations about politics and the different candidates to vote for when I pass by random people on the street. Advertisements on billboards that favor a certain candidate want me to vote for them too. 

In one year, I will finally have the opportunity to vote just like my parents did seven years ago. I could change the outcome by simply voting. If I missed this opportunity, a single candidate could be elected that could impact the current state of the United States. People in North Korea, Afghanistan, and Africa will never get the opportunity that Americans have to choose their favorite candidate and change the outcome of an election. I am proud to be a percent of Americans that get to place their vote. 

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