Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

December 19, 2019
By Allah-thor BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Allah-thor BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  My Sacramento lives in the sight of blushed green trees placed along the rushed vehicles that lead you in every which way. I could walk out the door and already hear the laughter and smiles in the people’s cheer, there then I know I'm safe. In the mornings, I go to the park to get fresh air as a start to my day. There I would be able to hear the birds chirping as if they are singing lullabies and smell the smell of fresh mowed grass. In the day not many cotton balls float the sky so my shadow hides.  As night time approaches I would watch the yellow to orange light set, leaving a pink to purple sky. Luckily there are many things to do even during the early night. Something I did was go to a drive in movie theater and had the best time. Just downtown there are spotless streets where you could venture seeing the seasonal decorations placed all around light walls. 

            I would love to say that this is from a candors mouth but its not. The truth is, Sacramento is not this great and I’m sure people around me would know what I mean. Let me push you off to a start, a different start. I do see smiles and laughter don’t get me wrong but maybe their smiles and laughs aren't what you might expect. They smile while not evening knowing, laughing at things they see that we can’t. I could pass by an alleyway and smell the stench of weed reeking in between the dark walls. Along with the smell I see the rubbish wastes of what used to be a complete part of something new. Then I see the suffering of those who didn't get to choose and feel that they rest unwell. Going home after lights out, something I would never do I'll get shivers from those who have fallen and trust me when I say I know it's not the night breeze. Not only that but there won’t just be light from the moon, and stars but also a luster of light from the hellos looking down searching for someone but no one in particular. 

We see, we talk, but we never do. It's hard to work together when we have already stopped caring about together. Many are able to help make shelters and give to the ones in need but because those people have forgotten about “us” and only remember “I” they continue to not be any help at all. Videos go out showing the beauty but never introduce the beast. Leaving the chipped cup to believe it’s stable when its not. When they continue to fake a smile and neglect the reality it only gets worse and soon they won't be able to hide it. Paying for rent has been tough when then the numbers keep changing. My eyes get tired and start to droop thinking of the change, the bills, and the bucks knowing some people would do anything for it.

I'm not in control but I do know. So when you get trapped just remember I told you so.

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