Here's To Us | Teen Ink

Here's To Us

January 12, 2020
By Anonymous

Here’s to the people who feel so broken that nobody would ever care about them. That have been hurt by a romantic partner, a family member, a friend, someone they trusted. That see a couple and know it’s a matter of time. Who have given up ever trying to live happily ever after. That are referred to as a pessimist, but have really just seen what “love” is and know it never lasts forever. Who like someone, but would never date them because it’s bound to break and hurt them. Who cut themselves off so that if they fall nobody else is affected. Who have been lied to about what “love” is, and who actually loves them. Who have lost someone who did love them and now feel like it’s their fault. Here’s to you, to us. Because I know how this feels and I want anyone else like me to find happiness weather it be with a spouse or in a small apartment with their cat.

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