Proud Experience | Teen Ink

Proud Experience

August 22, 2020
By DianaPei BRONZE, Beijing, Other
DianaPei BRONZE, Beijing, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you have any successful moment? I have! This happened to me when I learned to play a cool and creative sport: skateboarding. 

I love playing sports! So, when I see a girl standing on a shining skateboard, I decided to try it. I take my skateboard down to the park. l thought it was not a complex sports. So, I put my right foot on and uses my left foot to pull my self forward. Then, l fell! I want to know how other skate boarders move so l seek for others for advice. Then, I get my answer: l don’t stand straight. I tried and tried, fell and fell. I move my foot carefully and stand straight. Finally, I can skate all on my own! I’m so happy, I can jump ten meters. I laughed and laughed, l succeded! I never felt so proud. I will remember this moment for ever.

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