The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

January 24, 2021
By Oliviakarlson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Oliviakarlson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boom! Thunder echoed through the black sky with mysterious clouds of uncertainty. Crack! My heart dropped. The sky lit up with streaks of light. I could feel a small breeze brush against my shoulders then drip drop drip drop the rain started as if on cue. 

The sand crunched beneath my feet as we walked back from the lake after going on the banana boat. I'm only with half my cabin because we had run out of time when we were supposed to go the first time. 

“A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, are we!” We chanted with sopping wet hair and towels wrapped around our shivering bodies. 

BAM! Thunder rippled through the air. Our excitement from the banana boats had disappeared just like that. A worried look was painted onto my counselors face.

“It's fine, let's keep going.'' she called out to the rest of our cabin. 

As we neared the start of the trail to get back to our cabin, I looked up and saw the bright blue sky had turned black and cloudy. It looked as if someone had taken water colors and painted black clouds into the sky. It would be another mile before we reached our cabins so my counselor called another counselor and talked about what to do. 

“RUN” I heard someone shout.

Whoosh. My hair was suddenly flowing in the wind like a flag on a windy day. Rain started to hit my face and before I knew it we were all running towards the welcome center. Other cabins are behind us running and all I can hear is the rain pounding on my head. It will be okay Olivia just keep running and you'll be fine. My paranoid thoughts start to set in as my mind is bouncing off the wall. I don't want to die today. My counselor trailing behind us yelled for us to keep running because the storm was getting progressively worse. I look around and all I can see are girls and boys crying and trying to hurry out of the storm. The mud seeped between my toes as I ran through the murky puddles of grass and mud in my bright blue flip flops. I went to the basement where they stored all the supplies and mail for the camp. It was lined with shelves overflowing with cardboard boxes,brightly colored piñatas, candy, and an overflowing pile of mail. 

There are about 40 kids in this small cement basement. Wow this is small. How are we all going to fit down here? What if we don't? It smells like cardboard boxes and fresh rain. I can hear the heavy pitter patter of the rain on the tin roof of the building. I sit on the cool gray cement floor next to my friends in a circle. The light above was slightly flickering making a soft buzzing noise. I start to tear up because of all my nerves. I survey the room. I can see nerves emitting off of everyone. I watch as all my friends nervously fidget with their backpacks. BOOM! Everyone jumped. The thunder resonated in my ears. Please let me get out of here alive. I wish this storm would stop. Thump thump , thump thump. My heart is racing as paranoia creeps its way into my head. What if I never see my mom again? What about my dogs? I think I'm going to throw up. When is this going to end? The counselors were trying to calm everyone down, but that was a laborious task. Finally, they suggested we play a game to pass the time. 

I don't know how playing a game will help at all. I just want this to be over. We played a game called poison dart frog and mafia. I was having fun and laughing and I almost forgot about the storm. I can't believe that just a few minutes ago I was filled with anxiety and fear and now I am filled with joy and ease. I realized in this moment that it's better to make light of situations then focus on the negatives. 

After what felt like hours in that cold dreary basement the storm finally passed and we were walking through the dusky rainy forest teeming with lively animals. Everyone's a little exhausted as we walk along the slick muddy trail. I walk through the dewy grass and make it back to the valley. I finally reunited with the rest of our cabin. We were all so excited to see the rest of our cabin. We got changed, told stories about what happened and went to dinner. 

I will never forget this day because I learned that it's important to focus on the positives then be brought down by the negatives because in the end, I need to enjoy life and not get so worked up and let my paranoid thoughts and emotions get in my way. It also showed me that I can make anything an enjoyable situation if I  just focus on the bright side.

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