Quinn XCII Concert | Teen Ink

Quinn XCII Concert

February 17, 2021
By haleypatterson07 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
haleypatterson07 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Without warning, the lights went dark. This was the moment I had been waiting for. With an instant smile from ear to ear, my heartbeat raced a million miles a minute and my adrenaline was through the roof. Summerfest 2019. Quinn XCII singing his hit songs for a crowd of thousands. Summerfest 2019. The world’s largest music festival; and there I was. All 5 foot 3 inches of me, feeling absolutely dream-like. Quinn XCII gave us the performance of a lifetime with endless songs that evening; there was never a dull moment. The excitement of the concert swelled inside of me. 

By the end of the evening, my friends and I spent our last minutes pushing through a crowd of what felt like a million human bulldozers. Trudging over and under thousands of jumping bodies and flying arms to get out of this mess. The music blaring so loud it’s impossible to even hear myself think; let alone lead a whole group of six people out of the concert from the second row. My hair and clothes drenched, mostly from sweat, but the sour and stale aroma of the beer that was thrown on me was still the only thing that coated my smell. By the time we realized it would be smart to leave a couple of songs early to beat the traffic, it was midnight, which was a normal occurrence for a Summerfest night. My friends and I managed to get near the back of the crowd after what felt like a few nights later. As we contemplated whether or not to head out early to beat the bus line traffic, Quinn XCII began to sing his first and most popular single. Sure I was tired, drenched, and wanted to beat the several-hour bus line; however, this was the song we had been waiting for the whole night. We’d have to be insane to leave now. The second it began we got right back into concert mode like the press of a play button, dragged back instantly by this irresistible urge of exhilaration.

With not a phone in sight, I turned back around and watched my friends’ faces light up with gleams of color from the lights on stage during the finale song. By this time, we were pretty far back but it was just as spectacular; I took a break from jumping and screaming to ask my friend, Mitchell, if I could get a boost. He put me on his shoulders and I instantly felt euphoric. Explosions of serotonin filled my brain, I have never been happier. I could smell the smoke from the smoke machines on stage, the air above the stage was permanently fogged; I could see the spotlight on the star, I could see everyone dancing with the people they love and live this amazing reality. Still drenched in sweat and beer, we jammed our hearts out to this last song. We jumped, we yelled, we lost our voice, we lost some belongings, but it didn’t matter. I’ve never felt the way I felt that night when I looked around and everyone surrounding me was singing along with me; singing their hearts out to this artist’s number one hit. I have never seen so many people living in the moment, so carefree. It was such a surreal moment and I will never forget it. The night only went downhill from there; but at this moment, the snapshot of this moment was simply perfect, and forever engraved in my mind. Radiated joy all around me. Listening to this sonorous voice all night long, living in this never-ending dream for what felt like an eternity. If only I could go back to this moment whenever I needed it. 

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