Red Velvet | Teen Ink

Red Velvet

March 10, 2021
By josephcbatterman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
josephcbatterman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was like sitting on a red velvet blanket. 

Warm, soft, comforting, joyful.

I looked up at his lucious white beard.

It was Christmas time in November.

I walked with my family to a vast display of gifts.

Any toy I wanted was mine to choose.

I was in a dilemma,

Bop-It or Nerf Football?

Either would have been fun, but my choice could not have been better.

Hmmmm… Football

As we walked outside into the cool Florida night, my family and I were experiencing heaven. I had been treated like a prince at Give Kids the World Resort. My health situation has caused my family significant hardship, so this trip was a miracle. I walked past the Ice Cream Palace, where I had eaten ice cream for breakfast several times, and the big man himself was taking a stroll. He held his hands out, and the game was on. I played catch with Santa Claus!

I've never been good with endings; the culmination of the unforgettable. While taking pictures with cast members dressed in winter costumes, I could not control the tears. Relish the moment. Take in everything. The trip was coming to a close. When I was tucked in by a rabbit in my villa across from the Candyland Playground, I took a deep breath. 

I will never forget the velvet blanket.

The alleviation of pain and the reassurance to move forward. 

A star on the ceiling for years to come.

The author's comments:

My trip to Give Kids the World is one that I will never forget. I hope that others might be able to relive these memories with me through this story.

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