First job.... | Teen Ink

First job....

October 13, 2021
By Anonymous

First Job…

My favorite mistake was that I stopped working.  I always wanted to start working but I never had the chance to because I was always busy with school and soccer and than this summer started going to the gym so that was taking up time too. Half way through summer I decided that I should try to get a job.  So that’s what I did.  One day while i was at the McDonalds drive thru with my mom

 she said “ look they are hiring you should try to get a job here”

 and I said “ yeah that would be nice especially right now because I don’t have school”

 So I took a picture of the barcode that was on the screen and filled out the application when I got home.  The next day I got a call around 10:00 in the morning and it was from McDonalds 

I answered and said “Hello?”

 “Hi this is the manager from Mcdonalds we got your application and we would want to give you an interview tomorrow at 8:00 Am” the manager replied

 “ okay sounds good, thank you” I replied back

 “bye see you tomorrow” said the manager.  

The Next day….. I woke up around 7:00 A.M  took a quick shower, got dressed and had breakfast. Mc Donals was only 2 minutes away from my house by car. Once the clock hit 7:55 I left  the house and drove to Mcdonald's. Once I got there I saw there was a guy around 16 or 17 years old.

 “Are you here for an interview too?” the guy said. 

“ Yes, what time is yours?” i replied back “ 7:30” he said

.  Then they opened the door for us. The guy who was going to  interviewing us told me 

 “Take a seat, I will take him and then you.” 

“Okay” I replied back. 

A couple minutes go by and it’s my turn.  The guy came over to where I was seated and he started asking me personal questions. 10 minutes go by and it’s over. The manager told me

 “you will get a call in about 2-3 days if you got the job”

 “Okay sounds, thank you” I replied back. 

A couple days went by and I got the call that I got the job. They told me what I needed and when was the first day I was going to start.

2 weeks go by, today is friday, and i am getting my first paycheck today.  I have been working 4 hours like 4 times a week. I got paid every 2 weeks. My mom was more excited than me. When i got home and opened it me and my mom were trying to guess and see who would be closer. I got around 400 dollars because i only work 1 week out of the 2 weeks.

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