Sophia's 3rd Person Set Piece | Teen Ink

Sophia's 3rd Person Set Piece

October 24, 2021
By SophiaSmith7 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
SophiaSmith7 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She sits in gymnastics class not paying attention to her coach. Distractions all around her, but she focuses on the older gymnasts, mesmerized by their eye-catching routines. She has been practicing routines for the past few weeks and had not realized that soon she would have to perform them in front of a crowd. 

 A week later, the girl waved goodbye to her mom as she skipped off to gymnastics class. Colorful balloons and ribbons hung from the ceiling, and hundreds of families and friends took their seats. The girl stood at the door confused and shocked by the amount of people there were. She soon realized it was performance day, and she was not prepared. She ran outside looking for her mom, but her mom had already left. The girl’s heart dropped as she walked back into the studio, knowing she will have to perform.  

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I practiced writing in third person. I used this technique throughout my story to make it seem as if it is being told by someone else. What I like about my piece is how I was able to talk about my experience from a different point of view. 

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