2021 2022 In a Snap Shot | Teen Ink

2021 2022 In a Snap Shot

January 21, 2022
By Anonymous

If I were to put everything my friends and I have ever done I would gather all the videos and pictures we have from our best events. The one event that sticks out the most is when one of my good friends blew his truck up doing burnouts. Let me set the scene. It’s 10 pm on a Tuesday night the next day we don’t have school so the boys decide to have a bonfire I wasn’t planning on going but around 10 pm I get a Snapchat from my friend saying they were coming over to my house. So I rush upstairs to put some warmer clothes on because it was cold outside and then I was greeted by a maroon red truck that sounds like an airplane and its full of kids and he says “ Come on we're doing burnouts'' I'm like “alright you know where to go I’ll follow”. So I get in my car and I follow them to the end of the road I live on. He stops at the stop sign revs up his engine and then does 4  doughnuts in this intersection he then speeds past me to the other end of the road and he stops at the other stop sign. He gets out and were inspecting his tires and I tell him “ do one right here you got it” so having a truck full of excited teenagers wanting to see something cool he supplies the entertainment but this would be the last time the Ol 6.0 throws down some rubber little did we know he was going to blow his truck up. So he does the burnout and immediately afterward the engine starts making a Ticking sound but he had to drive it from Northlake to Hartland which is around a 15-minute drive by the time he gets the truck to our friend’s house in Hartland the engine is now making a Clunking sound it sounded like you threw a rock in it or something. Needless to say, an engine is not supposed to sound like that, and we were all trying to figure out what hell need to do next he was going back and forth about whether or not he should fix the ruck he has or buy a new one so we just started burning couches and random stuff until it was time to go home at like 3 Am. Needless to say, we always are doing dumb stuff with trucks and just having fun. That is just one of the best memories we have had and I think we could top that one if I'm being honest but until then we're just going to chill and not take things too far. 

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