Jonah's Story | Teen Ink

Jonah's Story

January 31, 2022
By JonahKiess06 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
JonahKiess06 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
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Around three weeks ago I was at my friend Cameron’s house with Luther and Nathan. The four of us played football in the backyard even though it was cold. Cameron had set up 4 cones in a rectangle shape to make a football field so we could see where the endzone and out of bounds were. We laughed and made jokes on how bad we threw or caught the ball because it was raining outside and we were slipping all over the place. After playing outside for a little bit and our hands a little cold we went downstairs into Cameron’s basement to play Madden 21. Cameron’s basement was huge. There were a ton of pictures with Buffalo Bills pictures, some golf trophies, a cereal box with a Bills player on it. The best part in his basement was that there was a huge screen that went across the whole wall and it had surround sound so the noise could be really loud. There was even real turf on the ground that was from the Bills stadium. The first game we played was 2v2 and it was Nathan and I versus Luther and Cameron. Nathan and I were whooping them that when Nathan had to leave they just decided to forfeit the game. When he left Luther and I played a game against each other. Luther got out to a huge lead in the first quarter by beating me 21-7. He had used Tyreek Hill most of the time to run straight out and get a touchdown. Nothing really happened in the second and third quarters except for the last play in the 2nd quarter.  I had the ball and I picked a hail mary. When I threw it the ball bounced off of one of the receivers hand and my tight end caught and scored a touchdown. At halftime the score was 28-14. In the 3rd quarter I scored two touchdowns and Luther had one. When there was 5 seconds left in the game I was down 7 and with the ball. I went with the hail mary play again but unfortunately the pass came up short and I lost the game. I only let Luther score 14 points after the first quarter. After playing some Madden we wanted to play a different game so we played some laser tag. In the middle of Laser Tag Cameron came around this corner and didn’t know Luther was on the other side of the door and when they saw each other Luther slammed the door shut and made a piece of metal fall over. While Luther was making all this noise I was hiding under this blanket on the couch trying to see if they would walk past me. Cameron saw me and started shooting because he could see the flashing light of my gun and he hit me. I was so shocked that he hit me through the blanket. Luther and I tried to double team Cameron because he was better than us but he still won most of the time because he had played way longer than we had. When we finished playing Laser Tag Cameron’s mom said that dinner was ready and we were all starving. She made this pasta with garlic bread and it was so good. We took the pasta back downstairs and started playing madden again. We played a little differently though so we could all play. We said whoever won the quarter got to stay and keep playing and then whoever lost had to give the controller to the other person. The first up to play was Luther and I. I had the Green Bay Packers and Luther had the chiefs. I threw 2 interceptions but luckily he didn’t get to score 2 touchdowns off of them and he only got 1. I tied the game back up with a pass down the field to my tight end. I got the ball back with about a minute left in the first quarter and I got another touchdown to win the first quarter. The next quarter I played Cameron and nothing really happened except for a field goal by me and Cameron got the ball back with a 1:30 left in the half. He drove down the field and was about to score but he had just picked a play after he ran the ball and the clock went down to zero and none of us were paying attention so I barely won the 2nd quarter. Luther and I played again in the 3rd quarter and about halfway through he said “Pause it I’m gonna go get more food.” So we waited for him for about 5 minutes. Luther came back with some more pasta and about 5 pieces of garlic bread. I said “jeez man you really like that bread that you had to get 5 pieces.” Luther responded with “ Of course man, his mom can cook and I’m gonna eat all this bread.” We all started laughing for a couple minutes. The last quarter Luther just went crazy with Tyreek Hill and got like 3 touchdowns and won. Cameron and Luther played one last game and Luther had no mercy against Cameron's team. Everytime that Luther kicked off he absolutely destroyed Cameron’s kick returner with a hitstick and made him fumble. Cameron got mad a lot of the time and said “Bro stop hit sticking me. I can't even get on offense because you make me fumble every time.” While Cameron was getting mad, Luther was sitting next to him just laughing his head off like it was the funniest thing in the world. Cameron made this rule that you couldn’t hit stick because it wasn’t fair and he wanted on his offense. Luther was absolutely demolishing Cameron so he quit playing and gave me the controller. Luther was up about 21 and I started going to work and started cutting the lead back down. I got a pick and scored a touchdown off of it. The next time I got the ball I threw a hail mary because there wasn’t much time left in the game and I got a touchdown off of it. There was about one minute left and I was down 7. Luther threw a pass to a guy in double coverage so I got the pick and got to the 50 yard line.I got to run one play so I went back to my hail mary. I threw it while the clock hit zero and he caught the ball and went in for the touchdown. We went into overtime after my 21-0 run in the 4th quarter. Luther got the ball first and scored his touchdown and then it was my last chance to score. I drove down the field a little bit but then I got stuck on a 4th and long. I went for the hail mary again and I just threw it up there. It bounced off of three people and went right to my tight end but he dropped the ball in the wide open and I lost the game. After this game we went outside and played basketball in his driveway. It was dark and cold outside but we still played out there for about 30 minutes. Since it was cold outside it hurt to catch the ball. Luther always hated when I guarded him because I am better on defense than any of them. Cameron got some good shots off over me and Luther was going crazy because he scored on me. I still had to remember him about the time he got blocked by Cmaeron though. When we got back inside it was really warm in his house and our hands were stinging from going into warm air. It was about 7:30pm so we had to go home but in the car we all played retro bowl. It was a great day hanging out with them and I can’t wait to do it again.

The author's comments:

This is a stroy about when my friends and I hung out and played football, Madden 21, lasertag, and basketball.

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