Desert Table | Teen Ink

Desert Table

September 30, 2022
By Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom runs a small business dedicated to the production of baked goods such as macarons, concha's, sugar cookies, and the occasional cakes. Often my siblings or I will man the register while my mom deals with the desserts and customers when we attend events. About a year ago my mom was called to do an event for the grand opening of a hair salon. I was the only one to have gone with my mother, so I was tasked with the register. 

The register is filled, with not only money but the promise that I am doing a good job. I have always been introverted, yet getting the chance to interact with so many kind people over a common subject is so refreshing. It served as a reminder that not all individuals are cruel. I haven’t encountered anyone who believed themselves to be superior, but rather normal individuals who are grateful for not only my mother but me as well. I have always been afraid of confrontation, or of the idea that I may need to raise my voice towards someone someday. Yet, I am reminded that there are still kind people who aren’t ashamed to show basic human decency to others. 

The day ended with money in our pockets and hope in our hearts, hope that today would not be the only day where we would encounter such kind individuals. As much as I enjoy my solitude I couldn’t help but feel invigorated after all those conversations. These people were so kind, to the point where I had forgotten the horrors of reality; to the point where I was truly enjoying myself.  

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