Reasons to Hide Again | Teen Ink

Reasons to Hide Again

September 30, 2022
By Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being alone is not the problem; the reason is 

For eyes watch every move,

whether it is for a mere moment or an hour they do not go away.

The judgment they exude is a constant flow, 

One that will slowly chip away at your person until nothing is left.

Despite my actions many will see me as something I'm not,

they will judge me based on either appearances or behavior.

Nothing I do will change their perception,

especially if it was ingrained into their person since the very beginning.

I understand that not everyone will like me, 

yet the reasons behind this hate is what hurts the most.

It's what keeps me inside,

this precaution keeps me safe from being hurt once more.

People as a whole are not kind, so why must I be the one to engage with them?

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