My Difference | Teen Ink

My Difference

October 3, 2022
By TheMan123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheMan123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   The day I walked into that amazing firehouse. I stared at the glowing lights of ladder 71 I remember all I said was “This is the Job for me” and then Chief Jamberitz came around the corner shook my hand and said “ Hello son, Ready to get to work” and I responded with a yes sir 

     He proceeded to show me to my locker and all my gear with my name on it. That was when I knew I was involved with something that I could make a difference. Meeting the fire crew for the engine and ladder was amazing. Most of those guys have been working there for 5-10 years and all I did was study and learn from them. 

     I learned from the best of the best they taught me all kinds of this like never leave your 9-inch hose converter on the 12-inch attack line or when pulling up to an attack line/ fire hydrant never on the hook pull the grabby thing that is red or NEVER grab the burn hydraulic handle that is burning hot without gloves.

    I watched closely enough times where I have mastered most things that have led me to be the man I am today. Just last week I was walking into the firehouse to start my shift and the bell went off I dropped my bag grabbed my gear in my locker and geared up and hopped on the engine. 


    Just the excitement of getting the rush of the bell to the loading up on the truck and speeding out of the firehouse at like 70 is the best feeling and knowing that you're going to help or save a human life is the best feeling in the world and that is the difference.

    I choose to risk my life for others because there is nothing like the sound of that bell the rush to get on that truck or the speed of the firetruck speeding out of that station and being on that team of smoke-eaters rushing to that call. 

The author's comments:

Being A firefighter is The most remarkable thing in the world and I'm always learning 

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