When the Years Pass | Teen Ink

When the Years Pass

August 21, 2023
By maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It feels like time stands still 

I leave the beach house after 8 weeks of pure, delirious happiness

A bubble that has protected me since I was a child

A place I could run to and all my problems would somehow disappear 

This year feels different though.

As I approach the start of sophomore year, I feel more grown up then ever

It seems like everyone is going off to college

The summers filled of braiding hair and riding bikes are gone 

Spending our last months before the real world starts to demand -

Jobs, internships, college

Things none of us feel ready for. 

The sails get folded away in the boat house

Every rudder, center board, and mast gets locked up and ready for next summer

The ping pong tables folded in the back room and the boats tucked away with tarps over them

The things that make up our summers sit frozen in time, ready to be unpacked the following year

The kids return to camp summer after summer, ready to untangle the swim lines and zipper their life jackets

But where do we go when we are no longer those kids?

The author's comments:

My most cherished memories are spent over the summer. The people and magical places give me something to look forward to each and every year. 

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