One Thing I Can't Live Without | Teen Ink

One Thing I Can't Live Without

September 27, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

          A thing I cannot live without in my life is my skate bag. The items in here that are so useful everytime I skate whether it's a practice, competition, or test session: Skates, guards and soakers to protect my blades, tape for making the skates put together so they don’t fall apart. Tissues of course, since we get burnt out on the ice, a towel to wipe the water off our blades when we're done skating, a snack for on the go to fuel me before I get on the ice, nylons for my feet, and a journal to journal out my precious thoughts and goals. 

         I’ve lived with this practically my whole life and it's gotten me through everywhere I've been in my skating journey and everything I've needed to stay prepared and organized for any occasion with skating.

          Skating is more than a sport to me, it’s a passion for me, and this passion of mine I've gone through quite the ups and downs to get through my skating journey and leading me where I am today like a roller coaster. 

         I don’t know who I am without this skate bag and items in there that help get me through my journey, their also have been quite a few experiences, i’ve been through, the friendships, and the coaches who mentored me and guided me in my life to make me become not only a better skater but also a better person. 

         The ups and downs I've been through in this sport can make a list as long as Rapunzel’s hair, and that’s ok because I enjoy every single memory that’s guided me and developed my character, determination, confidence, responsibility, organization, cleanliness, and time management. 

         I will always remember this passion of mine whether i’m doing it or not, what matters is that I lived with it becoming a part of my life for the past 12 years, and I couldn’t ever live without this experience that helped me both on and off the ice. 

         Without this passion of mine, I don’t know what I'd do and I wouldn’t have been able to go through the learning process, curves, and experiences that got me here and how much it’s changed my life. 

         I would have to find another passion that would mentally and physically bring me joy without this and I wouldn’t have been able to live through this unique life and experience not a lot of other people have gotten to live through. 

        I wouldn’t be the strong and independent young woman I am today, and wouldn’t get the opportunities I received from this life. 

         Without my skate bag included would be a disaster having me unable to feel refreshed and prepared for my sport. 

        Quite frankly if I'm being honest with you, my life wouldn’t be as unique and extraordinary as it is now without this and my love for it. 

The author's comments:

This piece relates to me not being able to live without my skate bag, referring to my skate journey. 

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