My LEGO building POV | Teen Ink

My LEGO building POV

January 17, 2024
By Anonymous

It first starts as an idea, then I go to find as many bricks as I can so I have at least whatever I need to build a base or beginning build. Then I get more bricks to add on to whatever's there for more detail. After there are enough bricks for it to be showcased, then I figure out where the soldiers go and arrange them in fighting stances/positions, and then take off any bricks to add fighting positions. Occasionally I add smaller bricks to increase the detail, but it can be a little too much sometimes. Some people may ask or wonder why I still build LEGO’s, well it’s quite simple. You are creating something from your own mind, your imagination, there's no limits, except if you're building a set with instructions. Building things with LEGO’s is like creating life on a miniature scale, kinda like your God, and you control what you create. Building LEGO’s is like construction, where you either don’t go by the book and create from your mind, or you do go by the book and create what it tells you to, or you create from your mind but you build like you're reading from an instruction book where everything is as specific as possible. When I was around 4 or 5, I had so many LEGO sets like you wouldn't believe, I was asking and getting sets for almost every holiday of the year As the years went by, and the more sets I got, the more I started taking apart old sets, looking for pieces to build from scratch vehicles I saw when I would ride in the car. When I was around 9 or 10, that’s when I was really into LEGO Star Wars, specifically the Clone wars, and that's  when I started building my first MOC. Then when I was In between 10 and 11, that’s when I stumbled across LEGO Stop Motion videos on youtube of WWII specifically, and from the day I saw the first animation of a WWII in LEGO, not only did my interest in LEGO military skyrocket like a supersonic aircraft, but my interest in WWII and all the other bug 20th century conflicts themselves.

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