Build in Best Friend | Teen Ink

Build in Best Friend

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

When asked the question, “Who is the person that has inspired you the most?”, I always think of Eva. Although not siblings, my cousin Eva is like a sister to me. Only 2 years older than me, yet she is one of my biggest role models. Since a child, she has always been someone I have looked up to. I always wanted to be just like her. From the clothes she wore to the way her room was designed. I always paid attention to the way she carried herself. Her independence. Her brilliance. Her responsibility. But also her fun and outgoing side. The way her smile makes a room brighten. The way her laugh flows from one face to the next. She has a way of always looking at the positives. A skill that I strive to have each and every day. Even when something devastating happens, she reveals the other side of it. She finds a way to not only make me feel better but also find a solution to my inconveniences.

When I found out she was going to FGCU to follow her career, I was filled with a plethora of emotions. I was extremely happy for her, it filled my heart to know she was chasing her dreams. But I was also devastated that she was moving 1,419 miles away. I had never imagined not being able to see her whenever I wanted to. However, no distance between us can stop her impact. She is always the first person I reach out to when something great happens. She continues to have a positive impact on my life even from a distance. Like a star, I don’t always see her but she is always there. 

Now I appreciate seeing her even more. I look forward to skipping the first and second periods for our morning Starbucks runs. I look forward to seeing her at Christmas and New Year's. I look forward to going out for dinner. I look forward to target trips. I look forward to just seeing her and hanging out with her. I look forward to being with my built-in best friend. 

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