Lesson Learned | Teen Ink

Lesson Learned

June 4, 2024
By carlyrwhite BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
carlyrwhite BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A fond memory from my childhood growing up is when my dad, sister, and I would go on the ATV’s. This was something that I loved to do. Right when I saw the snow drop from the sky and cover the ground I knew it was winter and time we could go out. 

Typically my dad would hook a circular tube to the back with a rope and my sister, Macy, and I would take turns riding on the back. He would take us through our yard and onto the lake across the ice. We had done this many times where we would go out onto the ice. 

A time that I will never forget is when my dad and sister had been pulling me around for a very long time around the lake on the ice. We went through a patch of ice that had been very thin or even open. 

“Stop!” I yelled. 

This is when I saw my dad and sister go through. I can remember the ATV slowly crushing the ice and almost sinking all the way through the ice.

 At the time Macy and I had been very young and we didn’t know what to do. Luckily we were still close to my house and my dad called my mom to come help pull them out. My mom raced out to us and brought ropes to get the ATV out. 

From this a lesson that I learned was to be careful out on the ice and anything can happen when you are least expecting it.

The author's comments:

This is a personal experience from a lesson that I learned.

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