Student in 2024 | Teen Ink

Student in 2024

November 15, 2024
By ElleBruckbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ElleBruckbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time trickles by me—every day, every moment, every minute. Although time is a waterfall, there are events that seem to block it. One of these dams is school as a whole.

Although I learn things every day, I can’t help but feel bored. My notes are stiff and lengthy, and the flow of time isn’t fluid, either. Everything comes to a halt as I try to keep myself interested by adding pops of color to what would otherwise be impressively bland, though not even an array of highlighters can starve off the boredom.

I lust for something more, something interesting. We’re in 2024! The future! Why am I so bored? I could be surfing atop whatever waves await me next, yet I’m stuck drowning in notebook paper and pencil lead.

This sea of education is diverse, but utterly boring. The information is there, but my mind is not. My brain is sunbathing on the beach, not caring for the ocean of knowledge in front of me.

My coral reef of pens and highlighters only do so much for me, as they almost always bleed through the thin pages of my notebooks. I wish the stuff I was supposed to be learning would bleed through my computer screen and into my brain, but alas, not all dreams can come true.

To be a student in 2024 is to be constantly distracted, but also constantly bored. Everything is happening all at once—like being in the eye of a tropical typhoon. Yet, I can’t force myself to care for any of it. I crave fun, friends, entertainment—just something to get me through the day ahead.

But fun never comes, and I continue onwards in boredom; day after day, week after week, month after month. The tides of time rise and fall, but never grow into glorious waves.

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