Public Bus | Teen Ink

Public Bus

December 13, 2009
By Anonymous

You don’t deserve to be walked on. So I’m sorry I invaded you last week. But, I don’t own a car, and I couldn’t just walk from my house to downtown.
I know you’re tired and always doing things for other people, but never for yourself. People are getting you sick everyday and you have no time to recover. You have to listen to kids screaming and wives yapping their heads off. People are coloring and cutting holes in you like your artwork. But you’re not. You don’t deserve any of that.
When it’s stormy outside, you get rained on. People drag their muddy feet across you’re floor. When there’s blistering heat, your skin peels. People leave sweat stains on your seats. You have to put up with that fat bus driver every hour you’re awake. All he does is yell at you and tell you you’re worthless. That must get old real fast.
I’ll make an effort not to tread and wear on you anymore. You don’t deserve to be treated the way you are. I can see why sometimes you just “breakdown.”

The author's comments:
Today I am submitting a piece that I wrote a little while ago. I am submitting it not only because it is an assignment for my creative writing class, but I also think it would be pretty cool to be published online or in your magazine. I’m submitting this piece in particular because I feel that it is unique to a lot of other work out in the world. I don’t want to submit some cliché, fiction work, but rather something that somebody may have never heard of before.

The piece that I wrote is about the life of a public bus. It is creative nonfiction piece. I used the idea of when I had boarded a public bus to go downtown a few weeks ago and I ran with it. That day, I realized how beat up those buses could get. I thought it would be interesting to write a piece as if the bus was a person who was becoming beaten up.

I am currently a junior in high school and writing is interesting to me. Sure I may not be the best writer right now, but there is so much time to get better. Writing, to me, is a way to get my thoughts on to paper and to other people. It is a way to tell what is on my mind so people beside myself can actually hear it.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy it!

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