Myself: Rite of Passage | Teen Ink

Myself: Rite of Passage

March 9, 2010
By haramer BRONZE, Shoreline, Washington
haramer BRONZE, Shoreline, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my life so far, the transition from Elementary School to Middle School was one of the biggest experiences I had in my life. The obstacles I had to face were: going to different classes with different teachers, harder and more complex work, and the worst of all, no recess. I would have to make more friends, not just those in my one class, but in all 6. School was much bigger, which includes the campus, the people, and the amount of work needed for it.

Since Kindergarten to 6th grade I had only one class, and only one teacher for the whole year. She/he taught us everything, and the school wasn’t that big either. There were people all over and watching so you can be safe. Since little kid’s attention span isn’t that long, you had recess and other games. If you got into trouble, the teachers would talk to you directly all the time, and guided your youth life.

Some changes that were going to be laid out were the time schedule. In elementary school, you were able to sleep in and start school around 9:15 AM. Now in Middle school it started at 8:20AM. Throughout the day you had to memorize whether it was an A day, B day, or C day. The A days were periods 1, 3, and 5. B days were 2, 4, 6 and C days were just every class. Another change is that Recess was taken out, and filled in by more class time. Remembering what and where your class is was a big responsibility change.

Throughout Elementary, it got a little bit harder and harder every year preparing you for Middle school. You would learn more, and experience different categories in a small amount. I also recall the time where people came in for registration help for Middle school. It was so confusing, and my mind was just roaming around in different places. I felt like this world is very big and my mind was very small. I didn’t even understand how the periods and schedule worked in Middle school. Here in Elementary, the adults will tell you what to do exactly all the time. Now, you had to manage your time wisely, and be responsible. WEB leaders were 8th graders who were “supposed” to help you get started in Middle school.

From here on out, you got to choose your classes, and the different difficulties in them. Whether or not you wanted to take honors for some class was a pretty big time consuming choice. Whatever you learned in Elementary was going to affect how your education would be in Middle school. For those who went beyond and studied hard could take all honors, and more advance classes and still pass with a good grades. Others, who slacked off and just enjoyed and relaxed the whole time, were barely able to pass grades in Middle school.

The summer of 6th grade was the last summer I had to freely do whatever I wanted to do. Everyday I would do something fun before September hit. The first week of school went by very slow and stressfully. Orientation day was very scaring seeing so many people, and all the games you were forced to play. In fact, I didn’t even feel like going that day, being the nervous/shy person I was back then. Everybody were comparing their schedules and seeing who had what class with whom.

Throughout the first year, I got an accumulative GPA of 3.89, which was very good for me, being in all honors, and algebra 1 math. It wasn’t that big of a deal after all, but was extremely different compared to Elementary. I heard people saying enjoy Elementary from the Middle school students, and now started hearing the enjoy Middle school from High students. 8th grade went by very fast, and before I knew it, High school approached. Again, I had to adapt to the new setting, but it was nothing compared to the transition of Elementary school to Middle school.

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