Rest In Peace Khuong | Teen Ink

Rest In Peace Khuong

May 4, 2010
By yoyoyoitsc BRONZE, Fountain Valley, California
yoyoyoitsc BRONZE, Fountain Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" you dont realize what you got until you lose it "

Have you ever experienced the feeling about a hearing of a death in your family? Well, I have. On March 26, 2010, one of my sweetest and loving cousin of mine past away. His name was Khuong , and he just turned fifteen five days before his death. He had AML Leukemia Cancer and several of other problems that he strongly fought through, but didn’t make it. I didn’t realize how serious his health was until doctors had to run around for him, family members calling special doctors to cure him, and him eating certain types of food.

Khuong, also known was a “champion,” was an indescribable fifteen year old man. I am very blessed to say that knew him, and he will always be in mine and my family’s heart forever. It all started with a text message before school started. My cousin, Umi, never texts me early in the morning, so I decided to check it. “Khuong is dead you guys…omg,” it read. My heart literally dropped and my whole body froze in amazement. It was the worst feeling ever. It was also my first time experiencing of my loved ones dead. Believe me; you don’t realize what you got until you lose it. The rest of that school day was obviously very emotional. I didn’t want to have much sadness in me because my friends would be worrying, so I kept it to myself. The few that I told were the main people that I knew I could trust, and they tried to comfort me. I was also concerned with my mom. My mom really loved Khuong like all of us did, but she and he had a special bond together. Whenever he was sad or hurt, my mom would always cheer him up and make him happy and joyful again. When I called and asked her if she was okay, she simply replied “No, I’m not.” Anytime my mom is sad or crying, I also cry. My eyes started to water and I began tearing up. The pain rose up my body, and the grief started all over again.

Couple of minutes later, I just decided to go over my best friend’s house. We had a great time, but every second of that time I spent with her, I thought about him. After my friends house, I went to an event at my school called “Kung Fu Fest.” It was a memorable time there with my friends, but then my dad picked me up. When I arrived home, I had several things on my mind. Is he really gone? I thought. What will happen now? I should’ve done so much more. At that very second, my eyes started to bawl and I realized that I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I saw the drops of my tears go down my cheeks, and spots of what seemed like it to be, Khuong’s face. I should’ve called him yesterday and see how he was doing. I should’ve called him everyday he was hurt and at least say hi to him. I should’ve hung out and spent more time with him in San Diego. I should’ve called him back when he was taking his medicine. I should’ve done all of those things, but I didn’t…More and more tears started to run down my cheeks, and my eyes were as red as a tomato. Just why? I thought. Why him? He’s an amazing fifteen year old boy and he never did anything to hurt anyone. I tried to calm my mind down, and the ease began to go out of my tears. Even though there were so many things running through my mind, I couldn’t do anything.

After the day he past away, there was a viewing. The vibes that hit me when I arrived at the viewing felt very strange, and all of the faces that I saw were just devastated. Every single one of my family member was miserable, and I could tell by their faces. As I got in line to see his body, I started to cry even more. Pain ran through the blood vessels in my body, and I just let it all out. Tissue by tissue, I let out all the heartbreaking tears out of my body.

The next day, was the funeral. It was worst than the day before. Every time I walked into the building where the funeral held, I would burst out sobbing. Families from both sides of his parents were all there, and I just felt so crushed to see them like that; to see him like that. Couple of hours later, he was sent to the cremated place. My aunt decided to cremate him because she could take him anywhere with her, whether moving houses or his beautiful soul being with them forever.
I realized that he suffered too much, and he’s in a better place now. Taking all of those medicines and fighting hard for himself and the family made him go through a hard journey. Even though he lost the fight, he will always be a champion in every one’s eyes. He was a true fighter, a true cousin, and a true love. No one will ever forget him, and he will forever be in our hearts. Death of your loved ones may be hard, but just think about the good times you spent with them.

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