Funny the Way It is | Teen Ink

Funny the Way It is

April 8, 2011
By Casualdaze BRONZE, Lumberton, Texas
Casualdaze BRONZE, Lumberton, Texas
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Funny the way it i, when you think about it. The sky the airplanes, they seem so close, but they are far from me.
I sat on my front porch step and was hanging out,when a car rolls by with the windows down, playing why can't we be friends.
Funny the way it is, some are going hungry and others are eating out.
None to share and bear arms agains the war!
None to stand up for another, no help for the hurt, not money for the poor, and no sympathy for the hurt.
Ha, funny the way it is.
Drugs are causing screamin', death,and discrimination to the wrong people.
Funny the way it is.

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