Autumn | Teen Ink


November 30, 2012
By Jesse Lee BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jesse Lee BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The opening credits finish rolling as the camera zooms in on a boy. His confidence swells. His happiness blooms. He approaches a girl named Autumn. It’s ironic that fall happens to be Jesse’s favorite season which describes his lust for this girl. It’s difficult to see, but he’s broken: his heart is shattered from a lost love.
She whispers, “I love you.” Time stops. All that’s heard is his heart beating nervously.

“I love her, but I can’t go through this again,” Jesse screams to his friend through the bathroom glass hovering over the sink. All of his life, Jesse has had a deep seated hatred for this friend through the glass, so he ignores his warnings. Furious, he yells again, “no one will get hurt!”

Autumn leaves fall and things turn cold. Autumn’s eyes are filled with contradiction and confusion. She steps toward him. He steps away.

Jesse doesn’t feel right, it is winter—it’s cloudy and makes him sick.

“Hello… She, she what?” The phone drops. Time stops. All that’s heard is his heart beating miserably. Standing in front of his worst enemy, through the bathroom glass, he cries. She tried to end winter early. Under his tears he mumbles, “I find I miss fall more than ever before.” the screen goes black.

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