My Life's Story | Teen Ink

My Life's Story

January 10, 2013
By Anonymous

As a young child I was beaten, abused, locked in my room several hours at a time no dinner. I wasn't a bad kid but I guess it’s kind of a Cinderella story I lost my hearing when I was 10 or 11 I can hardly hear anymore and my sight in my left eyes getting worst too but life goes on... my mom let me when I was two years old and left my dad and grandparents to raise me. My family struggled to raise me… daddy always work late night shifts then slept during the day… so I did too at age two… I woke up same time as daddy and he’d play peek-a-boo with me and I laughed then dad’s first wife came into the picture with the most god awful family and son… Isaiah… he was horrible to me, but I knew better then to hurt him…so I let the treat me bad… everything her son did, I’d get beat with the window stick (the stick on the window that you twist) she’d hit me bare butt… I hit her in the boobs with my folder (I should’ve used my backpack) but by the time I was eight, she was gone, a few years went by I’m 13 at this point and the second evil stepmother came into the picture with little brats Lana and Todd they treated me like I was a prisoner so I stayed into my bed room till they left then I was so happy I’d go to the park to hang out with my “friends” and they’d leave me alone.. Todd always had people coming over for basketball and I’d talk to the kids I knew and went on my way… but everything Lana or Todd would say… Beth… (Evil stepmother two) would believe them over me she didn’t care if they were lying or not. Daddy said “that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since the wedding” and I said “dad I hated them” so now I’m fifteen getting my life in order, writing, and happy and dad has a girlfriend that treats me better than anyone ever has with an annoying little eight year old but I take care of her. I hope they get married cause then it truly would be a happily ever after.

The author's comments:
This is a very personal piece to me.

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