Yoshi | Teen Ink


January 15, 2013
By Anonymous

When Yoshi joined our family he was quite a silent and fidgety parrot. I always provoked him to talk or would try to lure him out of his cage. It wasn’t long before he got used to our family when my ears were graced with the ear splitting sound of screeching. With time, Yoshi rapidly picked up words and phrases and would never fail to use them in the proper context.
Yoshi was a beautiful, colorful, Quaker Parrot. The top of his head spiraling down to his back is an electric green tone with hints of ever green. His face and belly are a light grey shade with darker grey shadows. His wings have tropical blues and green along with his tail feathers. Since I received Yoshi at the earliest stage that a bird could be given away at, he was unaware of how to fly. Between practicing his new words and phrases, he’d practice flying around inside of his cage. It wasn’t until one day when I had him outside of the cage and I went to answer the phone. I left him out, since he couldn’t fly, and within the two minutes that I left I heard loud flapping sounds and saw the dog dart for my bathroom. I ran in the bathroom instantly with the cordless phone to see Yoshi huddled in a towel just in front of my bath tub. Domino, my dog, was hovering over Yoshi with his ears erect and wagging his tail as he gazed a Yoshi confusedly. Yoshi turned his attention towards me and soon recited a simple “rah!” as he waddled around on the floor. Holding the dog back with my leg, I placed my hand out where Yoshi stepped onto my finger.

“What happened?” My dad asked from the phone.
“Well, Yoshi learned how to fly alright.” I laughed.
“He was flying?!”
“Mhm, he flew all the way from my bedroom to the bathroom.”
My dad found that hilarious since the poor bird had always attempted to fly, but instead it ended up in him flapping for two seconds and then falling back to the carpet. Still in shock from his random flight lesson, I placed him back gently in his cage where he practiced his flight lessons for the rest of the evening.

The author's comments:
An experience where my parrot learned how to fly

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