Oh no | Teen Ink

Oh no

January 15, 2013
By andrew veldman BRONZE, Marne, Michigan
andrew veldman BRONZE, Marne, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two summers ago my dad, my friends and I went camping at a racetrack named Berlin Raceway a half mile away from my house. We didn’t buy tickets for the race, we only bought parking for the motorhome which cost $50 and everyone chipped in. There were electricity outlets so you could have power.

If you stood on the roof of the motorhome you could see turn three and four and the scoreboard so that was plenty, also with it being mid summer and sunny out it felt great .You could smell the rubber and hear the loud race cars going around the track, and it was a perfect day to relax. We watched the races later that night and it was a lot of fun. My uncle Randy was in the top five which made it a lot more enjoyable.

He is number F1 because there is already a number one in his class so he can’t be number one . He is F1 because of the Formula one racing series.
After the races I got on my bike to ride around in the cool night breeze because it had been so hot earlier that day. I found a island with a small building on it and the grass was in a oval shape so I thought why not ride around it fast. Now I know why.
I rode my bike fast and was at about twenty MPH and I had already went around it many times, I was getting dizzy. I saw the gravel so I tried to avoid it by cutting the corner short but I was going too fast and then the back tire gave out to the right. So did he front tire.
As I was falling I tried to extend my right arm out to stop my fall but I hit the ground and I started to slide, I wanted to stop but I couldn't. When I came to a stop my right leg, side, and arm hurt terribly and my legs were tangled in the chain, spokes, and tire.

I untangled my legs and got up with a huge limp I started to ride my bike to my Dad’s motorhome where there was help. Once I was there I said

“dad I crashed my bike and I’m hurt”

‘’how bad?”

He said and then he saw so he helped me.

“Do you want to go to the hospital?”

“No I’m fine I’ll sleep in the motorhome” I said.

My dad woke me up in the middle of the night and said

“you’re crying in your sleep wake up”

“I am?” I said puzzled

“yea are you ok” He looked worried

“No my wounds are hurting bad please take me home dad I’m hurt and I miss ma”

“ok I will.”

He brought me home and we walked inside “Hi ma” I said

“hi honey” and then she saw

“What happened!” she exclaimed

“I crashed my bike last night”

“Didn't I tell you to be careful” as she changed my bandages

“yea you did but it wasn't my fault”

“well who’s fault was it then”

“it was gravel and I might have been going too fast but thats besides the point ma”

“ok I’ll leave you to your dad good night”

“night ma love you”

“you to”

“I don’t think anything is broken but I think you will have three scars for most of your life” my dad said

“ok dad i’m fine with that but it’s really late and i’m really tired so goodnight”

“goodnight” he kissed me on the cheek and went to bed himself.

The author's comments:
It's about me crashing my bike.

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