The One? | Teen Ink

The One?

January 23, 2013
By Anonymous

"My Life as a Teenager",I feel every individual remembers this phase of his life when he becomes an adult.It is but natural.After all,isn't teenage really a memorable time to be remembered?This is the time of having best friends who you think will stick through your thick and thin,boring lecturers who have no better work than bothering you with homework,annoying parents who all of a sudden become so full of questions about your peers,irritating siblings.How can I forget?This is also that phase of your life when you start liking a guy.He might become your boyfriend.Then follows a date,your first kiss and of course, a horrendous break-up!But as we grow up,we look at these memories as lessons to be learnt and episodes to be laughed at sportingly.Yeah,this happened with me too.I was a pretty-mature-for-my-age kind of a teenager at 14.That was until I met him.He was talking to my mum who was his tutor.I took an instant liking to him.He was cute with dark brown eyes.He came to know about my crush on him.We met and exchanged numbers.Soon,I was like the busiest person on the planet who just attended to his phone calls.I got to know him.He lived his life on the edge.He was my boyfriend for three months.I loved him like anything.He used to tell me that I was the one.He was sure not to exhibit his dark and shadowy side to me.Three months later,I came to know that he had cheated on me!I felt angry and hurt.All this time he was two-timing me and I told him that I loved him like a total dork.I felt so embarrassed .It was nuts.I broke up immediately but I couldn't move on.I used to cry in bed the whole night.I became so unsocial.I used to love and loathe him at the same time.
Soon, I realized that he was not worth of my tears.He didn't deserve me.I could do better.He should be the one feeling guilty.I am thankful to my friends for making me get over him.I started enjoying by myself.I didn't need him anymore.I felt bad because i believed badly that he was the only one for me.Turns out he wasn't.

Yeah,I had loads of approaches from other guys.He asked me out again a few times but i was careful.Guys,don't rush into something just because you are afraid of losing it.You deserve better.Wait for that one who would die to be with you.

The author's comments:
Some guys are bad.Some are good.Be with the one who is a mate as well as a date.I reckon he will be the perfect one.

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