Unwanted | Teen Ink


January 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Do you ever feel unwanted in a relationship?

If so, then you not alone. I have this person in my heart that my everything to me. I'm to emotional attack to him and he know that. He my baby,my hubby.
But there this one problem. He don't know how to stop talking with his little man. You make me look stupid in school when everyone know I'm with you and that you my man. But you think you can get away with me not known that you had sex with 5 female, in our school.
I look like a dumb ass, when this girl and that girl come up to me and say...
"you shaq girl"
"yea. why?"
" ooo just to tell you me and him had sex when he was with you".
"wtf. ooo really, but you nasty because you knew he had a girl."
"he told me that you and him wasn't together, but i found out by this girl that you and him was. I'm just telling you this to know that your man is cheating."
"ooo thank for telling me that."

so you tell me what to do?

He think i don't know that he did this and that he did that. i want to tell him and say yo you making me look stupid in school.

I know he love me. But I'm that chick that was always there for him. I'm wifey in that relationship, he spend all his time with me. I'm there when he about to fight that person or when he do wrong. I get him out of ever problem that he have. But i look stupid. I have everybody that go to my school with me tell me he doing this and that.He trying to get with my friends and s***. Like wtf. I gave him my all and everything. But why this have to happen to me.

Do you ever feel unwanted in a relationship?

i do right now, i feel unwanted for doing the right thing in my relationship.

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