The Ordinary Things in Life | Teen Ink

The Ordinary Things in Life

January 31, 2013
By gracemolony BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
gracemolony BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luciano Pavarotti states: “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” I believe Pavarotti has a strong point. How often during the day are we given a few minutes to just sit and do something we enjoy? I know I am able to have a few precious moments to myself three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and supper. I believe everyone has one special food they enjoy more than any other, even though the food they enjoy may not be elegant or elaborate.

A meal which may seem ordinary or boring to the rest of the world is my mom’s hamburgers and homemade french fries. This simple, greasy, meal is dull and has no pizazz; however, I view hamburger as a sign of my relative’s hard work on the farm. Without the immense amount of hard work my family has put into our farm for over four generations, my family today would not be able to feast on this tasty, home-grown meat. The delicious homemade french fries resemble my family’s traditions. I love the fact that when we eat french fries they are always homemade; this makes me feel as if my parents never want to take the easy way out. My parents could simply buy frozen fries and stick them in the oven for a couple minutes; however, they go through the extra work of peeling and cutting the potatoes. Did I mention they are delicious? This everyday meal of hamburgers and french fries holds a special place in my heart due to the fact I always picture my farm and all the hard work which went into preparing this meal for my family.

While I enjoy my juicy hamburger and greasy fries, I have to follow my distinct eating habits. I must tear off any excess bun, simply because I do not like the bun which hangs over the edge of my burger. After I tear apart my bun, I have to put just the correct amount of salt, pepper, and garlic powder onto the meat. Without these essential seasonings the hamburger does not have as much zest. After the appropriate seasonings are applied, I then move onto the fries; I apply both salt and pepper onto my fries as well. Once I prepare my food, I grab a glass of water, along with a paper towel. I hurry during this process because I can already taste the flavors which are flowing freely throughout my mouth. I cannot wait to devour my burger and fries. Once I finally take my first bite I begin to smile. There is no meal better than a greasy burger and fries.

The only time I am able to enjoy such a delicious burger and homemade fries is at home. Restaurants have come close to my mom’s hamburgers; however, no restaurant has completed the daunting task of my making a hamburger as mouthwatering as my mom’s. Our combination of hamburgers and homemade fries is usually prepared on Saturday afternoons. My mom will only cook this meal if everyone is home though, due to the fact this is everyone’s favorite lunch. I love seeing all of my family together enjoying a nice meal. Other people may think me enjoying this meal is absolutely ridiculous; however, this is the food combination I will miss most while at college. When I bring my roommates home from college I will be sure my mom cooks hamburgers and homemade french fries!

Although many other foods are healthier and more elaborate, hamburgers and fries will forever hold a place in my heart. I only have good memories when I think about our family taking a break from everyday life to sit down and enjoy meat from our own farm. Analyzing this meal has made me realize how special a hamburger and pile of fries truly is. This meal truly comes full circle, from my dad breeding the bulls and heifers, to feeding them for a few years, and finally to the butchering, processing, and packaging stage. The combination of hamburgers and french fries is so much more than food slapped onto a plate. No other meal has the same kind of effect on me as this one does. I hope someday my children will feel the same way about one meal of mine as I do about my mom’s hamburgers and homemade fries.

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