I Am Drowning | Teen Ink

I Am Drowning

February 16, 2013
By Anonymous

I am drowning. I’m screaming at the top of my lungs yet no one can hear me. I scream even louder, enough to pop a blood vessel and everyone around me ignores me. My heart can’t go on like this any longer. I am drowning in a sea full of people with everyday problems. Nothing sets me apart from them. I can’t express myself to them so the decision is made. No more holding back, I must get it over with.

I walk outside in the cold night air. It makes me wish that I had brought my heavy coat along with me, but I didn’t want to get it dirty, it was expensive. Where the grass used to be there is now mud, and on top of that is ice. My fragile shoes break the thin frost and I look straight ahead. My long hair billows in the brisk breeze the night has brought me. Are you sure you want to do this? Of course I am, I have to I have no other choice then to do this. I argued with myself.

The ladder was only a few paces away. The one good thing that came out of buying this run-down place was that there was a tall metal structure. In this structure was water, no one knew how many gallons. It was hard to see the bronze ladder in the darkness but I fumbled my way through. I took a deep breath and lifted the top carefully so that it did not squeak. I looked down into the dark water and saw my future: petals of roses will line the aisle. I will be at the end of the aisle looking better than I have in years. My mother will have put me in some ridiculous dress, but I wont care I will be dreaming away. No one will be there for me though. Everyone will think I was mental and blame it on my poor mother for not noticing sooner, but can I blame them? My mother might be crying and trying to figure out why, and how. She will have called the cops and sent them on a wild goose chase trying to find the person guilty. I, however, will be laughing silently. My future in my eyes sounded good to me. Maybe then they would listen to me.

I took the crumpled note out of my pocket and let it flutter to the ground. I look my final breath and jumped in the water. The water was so cold I could not breath. It was taking the breath from my lungs and causing my brain to shut down. I didn’t feel so panicked anymore, I just went with it and let the current take me over.

Dying is easy. Living is the hardest thing we will ever have to endure. The strong ones make it out alive; however the free ones get out while they can. Maybe one day I too can be free.

The author's comments:
Something back when i was really depressed and all that junk. I'm happy to say that I am on the road to recovery!

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