March 28, 2013
By J.D.Donzo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
J.D.Donzo BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Many are called but few are chosen.

Once there lived seven poor kids with their parent and grand parent who lived in South part of Africa in a country called Mozambique. These kids were Anthony who was 30 years old, Ferdoline who was 27years old, Joe who was 22years old, James who was 17years old, Suzie who was 13 years old, Joseph who was 8years old, and Jackie who was 4 years old. They all lived with their parent in a small town in Mozambique. And their grandparent lived in the capital city Maputo of Mozambique. They all lived with good choice and respect in the believed to be their family. The neighbor of those family though that because this family had never moved from this small town that is why they stay together as family. The parent of those kids said, “why people think because our family is poor that is why our love for each other strong.

Each member of this family had been walking on very much to keep their family together. Anthony, the oldest, along with Ferdoline helped their parent to take care of the other kids when their parent went to work. These kids’ mother worked as a cook in the Mozambique high school, their father worked as a town house builder in the Mozambique city building company, their grandfather worked as a security at the Mozambique, Maputo city bank and their grandmother worked in the Mozambique library as a librarian. This family never had much money to send all seven kids to school, so only four kids when to school. These four kids were Anthony and Ferdoline who went to the Mozambique technical community college by mean of scholarship and Joe and James who went to the Mozambique high school. These kids were smart not because they were lock of money. Their father once told them that,
“The love of family does not mean that they need to have more money or skilled in traveled.”

These kids parent was good as expected in taking care of the family even do the father of those family run out of money but he was good as his neighbor expected. Joe and James were responsible to keep their little house clean. Anthony and Ferdoline were old enough to have a job and their own family too. Anthony, the oldest, had a girlfriend name Mercy but stay Anthony show his contribute to the family when his father was sick. Anthony has a job at the Mozambique city builder company as a construction worker of the Mozambique Bridge. And Ferdoline also worked at Mozambique hospital pharmacy as a nurse for children drugs. The neighbor of this family thought that because the parent had no trouble with each other or had never even think about divorces. The seven kids asked their parent a question; Dad, Mom it’s us keeping the family together? Their parent knew that, because they kids had loved for each other that is why the family stay together. So their parent answered and said,
“Yes kids.” And the kid’s parent told them that children we had some things to tell you guys,

“The love of your kids keeps a parent together some times.” Jackie the youngest kid said to her parent,
“If you guys divorces our family unity will not be there at all.”

Anthony the oldest kid has to move away with his girlfriend Mercy, they move to Tanzania. Ferdoline, Joe, James, Suzie, Joseph and Jackie were sad about moving far away from them, but they knew that their family will always be together forever. Ferdoline who was next to Anthony won a scholarship to West Africa Ghana. When this family oldest kid was out, the remaining kids alone with their parent in the family won an invitation from the Church of Jesus Latter Day Saint to come to the united state of America. The family unity was shaking, but the father told the kids,
“Our love for our family will never be stop, not even when Anthony and Ferdoline were not coming with us on the tripe.” Anthony got the amaze news he was happy to hear it, he thought he was going with the family. And Ferdoline also was happy to hear, but she was not even going with the family too. But the invitation only came for the kid’s parent. The kids were sad to hear that the parent going to leaved them with their grandparent for six years. The day the kids’ parent was coming to the united state of America their kids carry them on the air port to get in the plane. The kids were sad to see their parent traveled across the Atlantic Ocean with them. The kids lived with their grandparent in Mozambique capital city Maputo for a little bet. They were thinking that they family will not be together again. The parents of the kids get in the united state of America and spent two years.

And the parent decides to send for their kids of their desire for family liberty. Joe, James, Suzie, Joseph and Jackie was send to West to live with Ferdoline in West Africa so they could go to the American amasser for their visa so they can come to their parent in the united stated of America. Joe, James, Suzie, Joseph and Jackie when to their sister Ferdoline they even went with Anthony to the America amasser for an interview. But the Ambassador said to the oldest kids, “your parent send for all of you kids but only the four youngest kids. So as an ambassador he buys a plane ticket for the smart kids. So the responsibility as an oldest was on James. He was a good Ambassador who was coming for vacation and wanted to help James and his youngest sibling so he buys them a plane ticket. The Ambassador told James that they always go back home for vacation and the smart kids wins a trip with them. James wins the plane ticket and he and his younger brothers and sisters leaved their grandparent back so they can reunited with their parent one more again. Time came for James, Suzie, Joseph and Jackie to fly on the plane with the Ambassador to get to their parent. On the other hand James was thinking that the Ambassador could be a good person who wants to help an African kid be someone great. Ferdoline the oldest sister said to James,

“James you should tell Mom and Dad to call when your reach them.”

The moment James picks up his bag he was missing his oldest sibling Anthony, Ferdoline and Joe already. James, Suzie, Joseph and Jackie got on the plane and they reach the J. F. K air port in New York. James begins to show his gratitude to the Ambassador through his smile and speak. James saw his parent on the air port he was happy to be united with his parent. As two year pass James parent get to know that their family was sad without the three older kids Anthony, Ferdoline and Joe. The Ambassador was called by the parent of the kids that Anthony, Ferdoline and Joe that was leave back need their visa to come to them. So as it was they got an interview and visa. The family was once more united again. The parent of those kids said that,

No matter where the family member lived or what they do the united of family can stay be there. As it is always the unity of a family does not matter the location or either divorcing. Because love in an family can stay together forever. The family was together and their parent and grandparent were so happy.

The author's comments:
This piece make me think about my family. This movies also make me feel that kids is the imporatant part in a family. These are PARENT TRAP and THE SOUND OF MUSIC.

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