Little Village | Teen Ink

Little Village

April 26, 2013
By Anonymous

They tell me this is a gang infested neighborhood and I can’t argue,
for I have experienced the death of a friend at such a young age due to gangs. They tell me violence is in the air and I say: Yes, not knowing your ways through the streets can set you up for danger. They ask what is there to do in such a humble neighborhood and I reply: It’s your homeland all in one place, you don’t need to go so far to find yourself faced with a new adventure.

Yes, its gang infested. Yes, it’s dangerous to walk the streets alone and Yes, it’s a humble neighborhood but there is much more to Little Village than the media puts out there. We are all a family. Through every tragedy that has stricken our community we have come together. The people here might be humble but they’re filled with virtues. We all get by with the bare necessities.

Fierce, thriving, positive, and united that’s what Little Village is. Each family has their own background story, but we all have one thing in common, we’re all looking for a better tomorrow. Whether or not you choose to stay here or move away. There is no doubt that Little Village feels like home. It transports you back to where you came from; it’s a teleport that this great city, Chicago, provides.

The author's comments:
This is about my neighbordhood. Many people don't know what goes on here & with this i wish to show the good & the bad of this little piece of mexico in Chicago.

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