You're worth it | Teen Ink

You're worth it

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

It’s just not worth it. You mean too much to people. Think of it. I’m too young. It might seem like you can’t make it through, but you will. Yes things are tough but they will get better. People love you. Might it be your friend, your family, or even a teacher. I’m writing this because I was there. I wanted to die to. My life was rough. Yup, we all have family issues. Your parents not getting along... then its time for you to find music, art, or in my case a tree. My friend saved my life. He took my letter...(my letter letting everyone know i love them and that it was not their fault I wasn’t strong enough) and helped me through it all. Your friend just doing what you want to do. I will not make it better that youre gone to... it will only make it worse. Sometimes life brings you down but you have to fight back. If your life was is not important to you than twenty dollars says it is to someone else. You might be able to save their life if you can help them through what they are going through. Ya i've been there, I still have the scars. If I could take it back I would. My friend helped me through it. You can to. I just want you to know that I care about everyone and everything. Find something or someone you love and just remember that you will do great things later in life even if it doesn’t seem like it now.

The author's comments:
I just wanted people that they can make it through when times are tugh

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