high school | Teen Ink

high school

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

It was now sophomore year and I was still at my old school, LECJ, and having another good year. It was a little bit more stressful because I was getting pressure from my family to move to my zoned school because the distance was really having a toll on my mother. So I made the heartbreaking decision to leave all my friends and memories and go to school with my sister who wasn’t behaving the best. But before we get to the details of switching schools there are still some things about sophomore year that made it very memorable.

My sophomore year was extremely different from freshman year. I was starting to get the hang of the school and not feel` so awkward walking around. My school was very small so everyone knew everyone and everything about each other nothing was a secret. In my freshman year I started liking a guy we “went out” but broke up after a month although it was short his ex-girlfriend was never very fond of me. I began having troubles with her and her little group of friends. First it was dirty looks and then escalated to contact, the occasional bumping into each other and screaming insults at each other in the process. It even got to a point when one her overly sized friend came to me when I was at my locker suggesting to fight and to leave her friend alone. I honestly had never been so scared in my life but I tried not to show it and just screamed at her and she walked away. After that we let the problem go and just pretended the other person didn’t exist. Around December I met another guy it started out as friends but I started to like a lot but the problem was that he didn’t like me but my friend Miranda and it crushed me. I had to watch as he gave her a lovely valentine present and pretend to be happy when all I wanted to do was cry. My friend Miranda told me she didn’t even like him and just went out with him to be nice. I had never felt so relieved! After a month of talking everyday and getting to know each other we decided to give it a shot and well let’s just say that’s not the end of the story for us just yet. One of my best friends was Jessica and our little hang out was this tiny little restaurant right next to our school and we would have a Mexican burger it was delicious! As sophomore year came to an end I was dreading the final day. I had made so many new friends and couldn’t think about leaving them behind. It killed me to know I wasn’t going to graduate or go to prom with my second family. The day finally came around and I was balling my eyes out every time someone would hug me. There was nothing I could do to stop it but was hopeful my friends and I would see each other again one day.

Junior year was very new. It was my first year at a new school and I knew no one. It was so different from my old school it was sort of refreshing. At my old school we had to wear a uniform so I didn’t have to worry about what to wear but now with no dress code I had no clue on what “high school teenagers” wore. I picked my first day outfit with careful decision making for the big day. My first day was okay I made one friend and was pretty happy. I also joined the soccer class and was so excited since my school didn’t have any sports. I soon realized that I should of practiced a little bit more before I tried out but I made it on JV which was kind of embarrassing for me but I still had a great year and made some really good friends. I also went to my very first homecoming game and had a great time. I didn’t have any relationships with any guys and besides there were hardly any who were my type. Everything was so new and somehow complicated there was always something new. At the end of my year I had a memorable year at my new school and made a ton of new friends and couldn’t help but look forward to my senior year. I ordered my class ring and was so ready for senior year. All the possibilities that once seemed so far out of my reach were now within my grasp..

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