Day_Dream | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By Stratotorum GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Stratotorum GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hmmm…It’s just so boring. I’ve looked around. This table is boring; these fluorescent lights are boring, boring, boring, and boring. *sigh* But, my thoughts turn to other things, away from the clutter of words on the board, the womp womps of a teacher's mouth. All of these things are pushed from my mind in one simultaneous wave.

A land of possibility lies before me. It’s a fictional escape with infinite doors to open, a whirring swirl of ideas where I reach out and catch one in my hand. The idea slithers and wriggles like a freshly caught trout, sometimes they are more docile, sometimes.

This one plays back what my day has been like, what I could have done differently. I grab another. This one thinks of fun things I would much rather be doing right now. I take a trip through that one for awhile. I would prefer to run outside, maybe climb a tree. I could be playing a video game, or maybe working on some kind of art piece! I grab another. This one gets a little random, and decides to send me off on a crazy tangent. What if I had superpowers? What if I was super smart? Well now I know.

I let them slip back into their whirlpool of thought and decide to look out of my eyes. My teacher paces back and forth spilling some dribble about history, or something. It could be math. I look at the clock. One minute down, 44 to go.

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