Holding Hands | Teen Ink

Holding Hands

June 10, 2013
By Wesome BRONZE, Biloxi, Mississippi
Wesome BRONZE, Biloxi, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We don’t have the right to change anyone else, and no one else has the right to change us. You dance or you don’t dance,” Don Miguel Ruiz

Holding your hand was probably the most perfect thing in my life because I knew you liked me and I liked you and we were together. We were in high school and holding hands is such an elementary thing to get excited about but I was because it meant the world to me that you would walk me to class with our hands together. Of course, like all good things, it had to end because that’s just the way the world works. And I’m over you now. Really I am because it’s been so long and we were together for such a short time and I hadn’t fallen in love with you before you broke it off and I thank you for that. But still, every once in a while I think about holding your hand and how happy I was that you were there with me even though I was scared to death. I don’t want you anymore but I do want someone else. Someone who will hold my hand and make me feel beautiful and wanted. Thank you for showing me how nice something as simple as that could be. Because even the simple things can make butterflies flutter in your stomach and you heart soar through the air like a bird. So thank you very much for teaching me that because otherwise, I never would have known.

The author's comments:
A thank you to the boy who made me feel really special, even if it was just for a little while.

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