People Thinking They Are Better | Teen Ink

People Thinking They Are Better

July 25, 2013
By Djfly101 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Djfly101 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
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I been thinking about the life I wanted dont make promises you cant accomplish, dont come to me when your looking for something I got nothing left inside of me.

One thing I hate about this world is how everybody thinks they are better than others, but guess what your wrong people. So why do others think they are better than everybody else? Tell me world? Okay I might say stuff about other people and I do think im better than other people sometimes, but that’s because I don’t want everybody else thinks they are better than me. Now realize everybody is equal to one another. We are all the same we bleed the same color some work with eachother. So we need to all stop and think to our self’s we and nobody is absolutely the best or perfect. We are all human’s its just we all act different to one another. So this saying “Im Better” needs to stop. I’m just trying to make a point to the world. You could be poor, dirty, rich ect… and we are all still the same. Life depends on what you make it out to be. Now an example of that would be if you get a good job you will be rich. If you just waste your time sitting around you will be poor. Not anybody is perfect including myself. Me myself has an alright job making pretty good money. Now all people should follow the laws and be honest, loyal and everything else. People make mistakes by breaking the law or other things so that does not really change us. If you just want to go break the laws be my guest you will just get yourself in jail or prison. Who would want to do that? I know I would not want to be put in jail or prison knowing my freedom is gone. You can’t even really talk to your family that much being in there and you get served nasty food and bullied all the time. It just show’s that we don’t care about anything. Me myself goes to Auburn High School in Auburn New York. There are a lot of bad kids there that like to get into trouble. I hope the people of the world has learned something from this essay.

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