Rush hour | Teen Ink

Rush hour

July 25, 2013
By jsimmons BRONZE, Jordan Ny, New York
jsimmons BRONZE, Jordan Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rush hour of breakfast people hussling every which way. Tons of energy in the air people talking and yelling and laughing with smiles from ear to ear. And caught in the middle of all the excitement is me running around and bussing tables. It is a lot harder than it seemed when I was watching my mom bus tables she was quick as a flash she made it seem easy so figured how hard could it be.

I discovered real quick that it was very difficult and stressful. Running every where scouting the area for a table to bus so that other customers could sit down and enjoy them selves. All while 20 more people are standing behind them waiting to be seated.

And this was just at seven o clock in the morning. Mid way through rush hour I had to help out with dishes. Doing dishes is much worse than bussing. While bussing requires a lot of running and carrying dishes. Washing dishes requires a high heat resistant person which I am not I do not do well in heat. The best part of bussing tables in a diner is the payoff after working hard the chef whips up a delicious meal all for free all on top of getting paid. Nothing gets much better.

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