Mowing Hay | Teen Ink

Mowing Hay

September 5, 2013
By Anonymous

One day last year over the summer, we had to cut some hay down. My dad wanted me to mow it. So, we got the tractor from the shed and took it down to hook up the haybine. We heard this loud noise from the haybine. We stopped the tractor, and went to go check what it was. We forgot that tire on the left side was flat and was off the rim. We had to go down to the house to get the jack, a wrench, and the tire. We got it jacked up and switched the tire. We got the tire back on and were ready to go again.
My dad did the outside four rows, and I did the rest. My dad sat on the finder and helped me a little bit. We were on a hill that we went sled riding on. This hill was big and long. Once he got done with the four outside rows, I took over to do the rest. I did a few rounds and then the bottom edge of the haybine and the tractor jerked really hard and I had to stop. I had to pull it up and park it, so we could work on it. Two of the prongs on the bottom of the haybine where the bar went though to cut the grass had bent. We went to go back and see what did it and it turns out there was a rock. We ran down to the house to get a 9/16 wrench and a few other wrenches to get them off. We also went down to get the parts we needed that were in a bin in the back of the shed. We had to make sure that they were not worn, or whatever else that was wrong with them.
We got every thing we needed to work on it and went back up there. It was pretty easy to get the bolts out. It was hard to get the prongs off because of the bar that was there and took us a while to get the prongs off. When we got the prongs off we put the new prongs back on it, which took a little bit. We had to adjust the prongs so that they would fit. Once we got those on, we took the bar out to see if it would run through it, so it wouldn’t get jammed up. Turns out it fit and it was ready to go again. My brother went to get the bobcat to dig the rock out of the ground. We thought it was a small rock to begin with, but is was bigger then we thought. We tried to pull it out of the ground with our hands but it didn’t work. So we got the bobcat over there with the pallet forks on to pry it out of the ground.
When they started working on that I hopped on the tractor and started to cut again but this time by myself. My dad got in the bobcat and started on it. It took a while for them to get it out. I did four of five rounds when they got it out. The rock was about three inches thick and about three and half to four foot in length. When they got it out there was another rock they had to get out of there. The other rock they got out was about the same size but a little smaller. They covered up the hole as best as they could. I was still cutting when they got done doing that. When they got done I stopped the tractor so my dad could get on. He sat on the finder while I was still running it. Once I got to the steepest part of the hill the tractor would slide a little so a got kind of scared for a little bit. I finally got finished and started cleaning the hay off of it. We took it back over the hill to put it back where it was suppose to be. We unhooked it and put the tractor back in the shed. We were done with mowing hay.

The author's comments:
It is about my dad and I mowing hay.

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