The Horror And Miracle Of New Years | Teen Ink

The Horror And Miracle Of New Years

November 5, 2013
By TannerD BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
TannerD BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On New Year's Eve, 2002, everything seemed to be going normal when we woke up. It
was a beautiful sunny morning and it was like nothing could go wrong that day. So the
day keeps going. My sister Ragan was only one at the time and was about to turn two
on the 17th of January. Around lunch time my sister Ragan kept going up stairs saying
how she wants to jump off this 14 foot ledge that we have in our house. So as we were
eating lunch, we look up to see Ragan falling down, 14 feet, slamming her back very
hard on the back of the couch. Along with the sound of my Mom screaming.

"What in the world just happend?" Is what was going on in my head. All I remember
seeing was my Mom holding on to my sister as she was crying frantically. My mom was
in a completely panic state. She called 911 and as she was doing that I saw the massive
swelling that was forming on Ragans back. I was so shocked I didn't know what to think.
All I was thinking was "Please don't die. You're only one years old"

Soon enough, there were about 5 police cars in front of my house, 3 fire trucks, and 2
ambulances. When I saw all of them, I thought "why are the police here? This isn't a
Crime, and why are the fireman here? We only need the ambulance really." A little after
that, I saw the massive propellers of a hellocopter hovering a little over my house. It
soon landed just down the street from my house and my sister was carried out on a
stretcher on to the hellocopter. She was then care flighted to children's hospital in
Downtown Dallas.

The aftermath of the incident left me and my brothers in an extreme state of shock. We
also had questions racing through our mind like "is she ok? Is she going to live or die?
When will we know? How long will it take us to receive good or bad news?" My aunt and
uncle were over at my house babysitting my brothers and I. They were also there to
comfort us. We were doing everything we could to just take our mind off of things. We
did stuff such as watch tv, play video and board games, and just play games like hide
and seek and tag.

Finally, after 9 very long and anxious hours of waiting, we receive a phone call from our
mom. My aunt rushed over to pick up the phone and then, to my joy, she gave a sigh of
relief and a big smile came across her face. My brothers and I then asked very excited
and happily what the news was. My aunt then responded " she's coming home. She's
just fine."

The amount of relief that my body felt after I heard those words is indescribable. She's
fine, and she survived a long fall at the age of one years old is truly a miracle. The only
question I had now was, "is she coming home tonight or a few days for now?" I wasn't
sure that she was going to be able to walk for a few days because of how badly she hurt
her back. But sure enough, about an hour later, my parents came home holding Ragan
in there arms. They then said that she was perfectly fine and showed us the most
shocking but great thing. The swelling on her back was completely gone, but she was
still sore.

We went to bed peacefully that night knowing that Ragan was completely ok. The next
morning was New Years and when we saw Ragan that morning she was doing summer
salts across the house. We were asking each other how this could be because of her
being sore. She then told us she wasn't hurt at all. We were all very happy and
celebrated New Years Day with a big breakfast. A funny thing about breakfast was that a
Superman move was on and it was the scene where he jumps off the Eiffel Tower.
Ragan then said, but jokingly, "hey I want to jump off of that" we then looked at her and
said " ummm no way" then we all started to Laugh and we enjoyed the start of the new
year knowing that Ragan is ok and here with us, and that miracles do excist.

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