The Boy | Teen Ink

The Boy

November 8, 2013
By rockerrebel BRONZE, Ventnor City, New Jersey
rockerrebel BRONZE, Ventnor City, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Miracle. We all want miracles but there are very little who thinks that there are others who wants them. I then thought of the boy whenever I hear miracles.
When I was 9 I found out I had to get surgery which scared me so much it was tonsils but I was so scared. I remember on gorgeous day in June I had 2 pigtails tied in ribbons in my medium curly black hair a pink and white dress with a rose logo on it and tights so my legs weren’t bare. I was biting my lip, tapping my feet and praying that it will all be alright. I was sitting in a seat while I watched twins playing rough and then I saw a boy sit next to me.
He was 5 foot 8 with black hair that reached his shoulder and bangs, a hoodie on with a beanie, dark blue eyes and black jeans and T-shirt. I saw him for a min and I turned away and I swung my legs and smiled as I was playing with my dangling legs. Suddenly I heard a voice whispering, “You scared little one?” I bit my lip and nodded. He then said “look at me little one.” He spoke with a soft tone which calmed me down because he was a stranger at the time but I listened and I looked at him. I saw him smile and he pulled out a piece of scrap paper and he made something. A paper rose.
I looked at him curiously he then made the rose float in midair and my brown eyes widened as it floated. He then pulled out a lighter and lit the paper rose which made it into a real one. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and I smiled. He then took my hand and he put it on there. He smiled and whispered in a softer tone, “For you little one.” I smiled and I delicately sniffed the rose and smiled mumbling, “Thank you” he smiled and I heard the name called “Vladimir Smith,” He then stood up and turned and said “I got to go I maybe will not see you again.” I nodded but then I said in a sincere tone my name. He then smiled and left I didn’t see him and I thought I will not see him again. I was wrong.
I went to Tennessee now age 12 at winter for Christmas. I was taller now and I had longer black hair up to my chest but it was okay I stopped wearing ribbons but I missed Vladimir. He made me stronger and happier but now I was in charge now that my dad died. I was walking along a street in Nashville until I went into a coffee shop and I see a boy playing Daughtry music who was working for tips and I smiled and I took out my wallet and I went to drop it in the hat he smiled up at me but then his jaw dropped and I stared and he yelled “Dale takeover now!” He handed Dale the guitar and rushed right over to me. He then picked me up and spun me around. I looked at him and he said, “Hi Ellie.” I smirked and said “that’s not my name genius.” He smiled and whispered in my ear, “Your middle name is Elisabeth so I thought I should call you it.” I smiled and said,” I like it.” He smiled and then grabbed a leather jacket and walked out with me he and I caught up with our lives and we laughed a lot, but we saw something that made me decide to make a miracle. An Orphanage.
He and I saw the presents under the tree there were so little but I wanted to change that. I took his hand and sprinted to my uncle’s house and I grabbed the money I had plus 20 I asked from my mom I asked my mom to drive Vladimir and I to Toys R Us. I bought $110 worth of toys and I smiled when I saw a dagger necklace and I grabbed it and bought as a gift for Vladimir. I smiled and put the small necklace into my pocket. We then rushed home, wrapped the gifts carefully with care, and we put them into a sack. We walked over to the Orphanage and we put the under the tree 50 boxes lined the tree which made me so happy. I then got him out and we went back home just as it was snowing lightly and I smiled as we threw snowballs he and I were turning into best friend. I then took out the box and said, “Merry Christmas Vlad.” He and I then hugged and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. The snow was hitting the ground softly and I liked the feeling. He and I are best friends to this day and I’m happy to have him in my life.

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