Stereotypic Nonsense | Teen Ink

Stereotypic Nonsense

November 18, 2013
By jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stereotypes. Not necessarily facts. Not necessarily lies either. Stereotypes can either make you weak or can you make you stronger. Either way they affect you. Personally, I grew up hearing two different sets of stereotypes. Did they affect me? No, because I knew I was different.

Yes, I was born in America. But, I’m a descendant of two Jamaican parents. Jamaican stereotypes are a drag. For years, I would hear “Jamaicans are crazy.” Although that may be true but it doesn’t apply to everyone. I’m perfectly sane. I may to do crazy things. But, it doesn’t make me crazy.

People think they know you like the back of their hands based on your ethnicity or race. People choose to categorize you as if you were an object instead of a human being. Does that seem right? Never judge or claim that you know someone by what you hear on the streets. Nine times out of ten, it’s just a bunch of useless information.

I feel as if the African-American stereotypes may be a little worse. “Black people love fried chicken.” “Black people always drink Kool-Aid.” “Black people are no good.” And the list goes on. People think African-Americans will never amount to anything. They were never succeed in life.

Who would believe that stereotypic nonsense? I was raised to do that best I can. Succeed. Achieved all and every goal that I choose to pursue Now, does that sound like I’m “no good” or I won’t pursue my lifelong dreams? I choose not to listen what people “claim” they know. I knew better not listen. I knew that it was a bunch of foolishness.

I want to be one of the few African-Americans that make it in life. I want to be able to say “Mom, I did it.” And I’m highly aware that’s a very thin line. I refuse to give up. I refuse to give anyone the satisfaction of proving me right. Some people think they know or have your whole life laid out on a silver platter. Waiting for you to mess up. And I know that won’t be me.

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