One Step Ahead | Teen Ink

One Step Ahead

December 16, 2013
By Khaliun Munkhuu BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Khaliun Munkhuu BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I opened my eyes in the morning, yesterday is replaced with something I used to know. In my case, that something was my country. It has been almost three years since I moved to United States, but I remember every detail of my first arrival.

Coming to a country where everything is new made me vulnerable. People’s stare, unfamiliar language, and the coldness of the airport made me nervous.For a second, I felt like an outsider. No matter what, I have to force myself to adjust. I can’t just fly back, I told myself.

After all, I wanted to reach The American Dream, and the better life. But it seemed far away up the hill, out of my sight. I closed my eyes to check If I was just having a nightmare but reality woke me up.

“ Khaliun! “ I heard my mom’s voice shouting from the crowd.

This was the first time I saw here in two years since she left for school. Seeing my mom in a new place reminded me how valuable she is, and that there is only two of us opening the exit door.

Over the years, America made me greedy over the years, greedy for new adventures, greedy for opportunities, and greedy for endless happiness.- It made me believe that If I only try hard, I can become the best person I can ever be.

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