When I was Young on a Boat | Teen Ink

When I was Young on a Boat

December 19, 2013
By Sarah Sherpa BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
Sarah Sherpa BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was young on a boat, I put on the life vest that Mrs. Brown gave me; I sat down nervously and quietly next to the “Brownie Sisters” in the hot summer sun. I had my bright neon green sunglasses on my face as usual to keep the bright yellow sun out of my eyes from blinding me. As the boat started up, I started to get a little afraid just looking into the dark, dirty, murky water, fear was making me more excited than anything in the world.

When I was young on a boat, the wind blew through my long black hair,
and the cold salty water splashed on my face like rain. I held on tightly to the handlebars, my knuckles were white and my palms were sweaty while looking yonder into the clear, cloudless, cotton candy blue sky, the boat hopped up and down and I felt like I was flying.

Every time I tried to talk to the Browns’ the choppy waves made the boat hop up and down and it kept making my mouth clamp shut like it was a sign not to talk but to enjoy listening to the waves crash against the boat during the bumpy ride.

When I was young on a boat, my body burned with the neon yellow, orange sun, but I cooled off when I jumped into the ocean. The water was crisp, cool, salty and stinging with little waves of coldness just the way I liked it. The depth of the dark water felt like I was going to drown or be attacked by sharks from Shark Night, I felt like I would be carried out to sea with the waves traveling back and forth, I felt like I can “Fly to the Moon and Back” and, I thought I was like Arial the Little Mermaid who had the freedom to swim where she wanted.

When I was young on a boat, the warm summer air hit my back with all its lazy force, I stare at the beautiful sunset, there was an orange, red, pink, blue, yellow, and a little bit of violet in the sky as I got out of the ocean and dried myself. I play around with the water letting my toes feel the calm, crisp blue sea, making waves and circles. I hear the engine start again, it is time to leave the beautiful sea. When I was young I never wished more or less than what I am or have yet to become.

The author's comments:
This piece came to be because of my friend taking me on a boat ride.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 26 2013 at 4:48 am
Lovely write-up. I enjoyed it very much. It feels so real and metaphorical at the same time.