A Glimpse of Me | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of Me

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

That difficult time in a teenagers life,
when they are trying to find that special feeling inside,
stuck in a crowded world of individuals,
they can’t help but sit back and hide.
I live at a school,
with students of all kinds,
who’s spirit runs wild,
and grades soar with the brilliant minds.
The years of building and structure,
keep our school alive.
with 93 years behind us,
we are prepared to never give up and thrive.
The activities are exciting,
with moments which make you go “Oouu!”,
that create memories for not just myself,
but for others who attend too.
Being apart of something so big,
causes challenges that are hard to face,
but when we remind ourselves what we are here for,
the obstacles become a race.
The thought of working for no recognition,
sometimes makes someone a jerk,
but knowing I get to see smiles on faces,
makes everything worth the hard work.
ASB is not just a class,
it’s a group of leaders with passion.
Students who work to make others happy,
even though their status may not be the biggest “fashion”.
At this school I find,
that special feeling inside.
I feel at home with my high school,
and wish to never leave and go hide.

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