Digital Life | Teen Ink

Digital Life

January 17, 2014
By Schplee BRONZE, El Cajon, California
Schplee BRONZE, El Cajon, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Without a sound, free from sight, whisking through the air, an entire world is there to explore. The sharing of data on massive networks, the billions of lives, the hordes upon hordes of deceased virtual enemies; all possible via a gargantuan array of computers. My passion, my love, is for another world entirely. The world of computer science is a fascinating, outstanding, mind-blowing place, one holding an infinite number of ideas and possibilities. The only hindrance is that of the mind, that of the imagination. In this world everyone speaks a new language, a language simply comprised of “yes’s” and “no’s”. With nothing but different combinations of the two, whole continents are born. Within this dimension of infinite creativity, the boundaries to explore the mind and divulge the heart are nonexistent. The feeling of belonging, of confidence, of improvement, only from within this world might these emotions be experienced to the fullest of extents, when someone was born within the digital life.

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