The Misery of Having Feelings | Teen Ink

The Misery of Having Feelings

May 29, 2014
By Jessica Zalewski BRONZE, Barnegat, New Jersey
Jessica Zalewski BRONZE, Barnegat, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You broke my heart, you broke it. I trusted you. I told you everything. I know, I know you can do better than me. But her… my best friend? Trust. Issues. What kind of friends do I have? Stress. Get over yourself that part of my life is through. Wish. I wish I didn’t know you. Trust Me, I’m over you, but I can’t live like this.

You always looked down me, but it’s only getting worse. Embarrassed. I know it’s because of her. All I can say is I truly miss you. Liking you was miserable but our friendship was perfect. Lost. Confused. Doubtful. I think I know what I have to do; I have to say good-bye to you. Upset. Hurt. Hopeless. Am I overreacting? You don’t treat me like a friend. Do I even exist? Anger. Disappointment. I am over this. You bring out the worse in me. Theres no reason to ignore me. Disappointed. Embarrassed. Confused. I didn’t do anything to you; all I did was fall for you. I hate writing about you, I really do. Feelings. I hate them too. That’s what got me here in the first place.

Betrayal. Seems to be the story of my life. Typical. Thanks for pretending. So happy I could boost your ego, as if you needed that. Selfish. Different. You have changed. At least to me, I’m over you, I’m over this, and I’m over us. I’m not over what you put me through. Truth. Honesty. Words you obviously know nothing about. Thank you for crushing my hope. But I am so relieved the hope is gone, but I wish our friendship was still alive. Confused. Lost. Hopeless. I miss having a friend like you. Needless to say, my life revolved around you. Dumb. Was I even thinking?

I’m still letting you get to me. Why?

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