Change | Teen Ink


June 9, 2014
By xmkostenx BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
xmkostenx BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of change happened in my life when my parents got divorced. I was five years old. We use to live in a house near merry mead farms. I use to have a lot of good friends in my neighborhood that I played with all of the time. The most change in my life is when I stopped living with my dad. It was weird that I did not see him every day, and I was young so I did not understand very well. In fact, I was excited to move into a new house when I was younger. I noticed that my mom and dad slept in different rooms before they got divorced, so I kind of had an idea that something was not right. When they got divorced I would visit my dad every other weekend and on some holidays. I am glad that I see him often, unlike other people who do not see their parents when they get divorced. Although they got divorced, I was not really upset by it. It really affected my way of living.

I went to General Nash elementary school. If I did not move I would have went to Gwynedd Square. My life would have been a lot different if I stayed where I was. I would have had a whole different group of friends. I went into a different middle school than if I had not moved. I would have had all different friends than I do now. Most of the new friends that I have now live in my old neighborhood. None of my friends live in my current neighborhood. It would have been fun to be able to just walk to my friends’ houses instead of having to ask for a ride every time I want to go to one of their houses.

Even though they got divorced I still see my dad a lot and I am glad. Some kids aren’t lucky enough to see one of their parents after a divorce but I think that my parents handled it very well. I don’t remember much of moving and everything because I was young. I cannot imagine what it would be live to be living in the same house with my whole family right now because it has been so long since we have all been living together.

There are some positives to my parents getting divorced. I am glad that they are not fighting anymore. I am also glad that there is no negative energy. If they did not get divorced then there would be a lot of negative energy especially in the house. I would not want that to stress any of us out.

Sometimes I wish that we did not move because I use to live in a nice big friendly neighborhood. My back yard was also very big and widely. When I was little I use to be free as a bird when I would play outside. Now, my yard is not that big.

My life changed a lot when my parents got divorced even with my whole family, not just my mom and my dad. On holidays, when I went to my mom’s family parties, my dad would not be there. When I went to my dad’s family parties my mom would not be there. It was definitely a different feeling and not a feeling I was used to. It felt as if something were missing even though nothing really that changed. There was still the same spirit that there always was at those parties.

There was definitely a lot of tension in the family after my parents got divorced. My mom and my dad would fight about occasional stuff like, which weekend It was to see which parent and such. Now that I am older I can make my own decisions. There were a lot of arguments with money and who got what from our old house.

When I think about my life when I was 5 years old it sometimes upsets me because I lost all of my friends when we moved. I always wondered if I would still be friends with them now. I don’t even really remember most of their names.

I remember feeling confused, wondering why this was happening all of a sudden. Why was my dad not living with me anymore and why did I only see him on the weekends? I was too young to understand.

As I got older I learned a lot more about divorce. That not everybody is meant to be for each other and you have to accept it no matter what position you are in. You are the spouse, or the boyfriend, or the girlfriend, or the daughter or son; you might have to deal with it at some point in your life. You cannot change how two people feel about each other.

I was lucky enough that my parents got divorced when I was a young age, because some parents get divorced when their child is in high school. I feel as if this would be harder to go through because you are older and you understand more. Also, by the time they get divorced you are already very used to living with them and doing your daily routine with them for a long time.

Even though my parents are divorced, they still make every effort to make my brother and I are succeeding, even If it means they have to talk and discuss to us about it. If me or my brother were to be at a rough point in our lives, they would both be there. If one of us gets in trouble, they would both be there. They are mature when it comes to these situations.

Divorce can sometimes affect certain people traumatically. I am glad and fortunate that I am not one of those people. It may have changed my way of living, but I know that I have it better than others.

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